Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Additional Photos from The Relatives Came

Parents brought snacks, books, and blankets. We curled up with a good book and read together. Keep up the great work.


Last week we worked on reading and using our visualization skills to help connect with our stories. We Read The Relatives came by Cynthia Rylant. On Friday, we had relatives come to our class to read with us. We got to spend time practicing our reading skills and just enjoy reading. We learned reading is thinking but also reading is fun. We want to thank all those that helped to participate in this event! Keep reading at home. The benefits to you and your student are invaluable.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Make Homemade Nachos by Johnathan

I am going to make homemade nachos because I am hungry. First, you will need some pepper and salt, some cheese, and some ground meat. Second, you put a big pot on the stove. You put some meat in the hot water to defrost it. Then you take the meat out of the water and put it in the pot. Now, you stir the meat and let it cook awhile. When the you are done stir in the cheese. Finally, you can eat it up and save the rest.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome Families!!!!

This year we will be spending a lot of time learning different types of writing. We will utilize technology to help us with this task. Blogging is a great way to encourage students to love writing. Our class will be sharing in the responsibility of maintaining a blog. Please check back to see the exciting things we are doing in our class. This week we learned procedural writing. We have been writing some exciting paragraphs involving recipes. Check back for some student writing and some great recipes!